Balance cable of the American company Transparent. Being a fully balanced patch cable, it uses three identical conductors for hot, cold and ground signals. This third conductor allows a separate ground to provide more significant noise reduction than in other standard balanced concepts that use shielding for this purpose.
This screen is considered "floating" and consists of an OFC braid and aluminum foil. The goal is to minimize electrical and electromagnetic noise and interference.
The conductors are made of rigid OFHC copper. The XLR connectors are gold plated and assembled using precision hand welding with a high silver content.
Like all products from Transparent, this cable is equipped with a "network" body, which is used as a damping element and a filter that controls and stabilizes the resistive, capacitive and inductive factors of the conductors. This allows you to eliminate noise and interference.
The cable is handcrafted in the USA. Its dual grounding system and meshes help control noise and interference, thus transmitting music more effectively at all audio frequencies. image focus, sound stage and deeper, clearer bass. The cable is handcrafted in the USA.
The cable is well built and very flexible and easy to install. Like any other cable from this company, it uses the well-known Transparent Network, a rather large box that is designed to optimize the performance of the cable.
MusicLink Super's balanced connection uses heavy-duty OFHC solid conductors, gold-plated XLR connectors, and precision hand soldering with high-silver solder. Each Balanced MusicLink channel has a dual fully differentially balanced network that reduces noise and provides greater signal efficiency.
It sounds very tonally balanced and neutral with a well extended and powerful bass range. That's the first thing you say when you plug the Super into your system. As the days go by, you start to realize that the Super is also extremely refined and clean: never too warm or too cold, it sounds naturally precise and detailed in the high frequencies. For example, voices flow through it with ease, full (male) or delicate (female), as it should always be.
It is not overly analytical, although it offers a sufficient amount of detail.
The bass range is deep and very linear, in the sense that there are no boosts or "weak" spots. In short, one of the best bass ranges.
One of the Super's main strengths is its ability to create a surprisingly wide soundstage. The imaging depth is also very good, and it resembles the BIG sound of hi-end preamps and power amps.
1 Star