Musical Fidelity A3.2 integrated amplifier; minimalist design, dual mono chassis with separate toroidal transformers for each channel to ensure good channel separation and a spacious soundstage. Output power – 115 W per channel at 8 ohms, 185 W at 4 ohms. The A3.2 features gold-plated preamplifier outputs, 5 inputs including MM/MC phono.
The MUSICAL FIDELITY A3.2 has received numerous rave reviews that have highlighted its musicality, articulation and dynamics. It was a "recommended component" by Stereophile (Grade "B") and Soundstage and AudioReview.
It has a nice midrange, a sense of tube musicality, a huge, airy and open soundstage with great depth, and a dynamic punch.
Stereophile points out that the A3.2 resembles expensive tube electronics. The device is in perfect condition. It is equipped with an original remote control.
– Power Output: 115 Watts RMS per Channel into 8 Ohms, 185 WPC into 4 Ohms
– MFR: 10 Hz – 20 kHz ± 0.3 dB
– Input Impedance: 200 kOhms
– MM 3.5mV, 47 kOhms
– MC 350 microV, 47 kOhms
– Input impedance: 47 kOhms
– Pre-Out Impedance: 50 Ohms
– Damping factor: 120
– Sensitivity: 250mV for Full Output
– S/N: >103 db, A weighted
>96db, unweighted
– THD: < 0.01%, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz - Remote: Full function, multi-component. - Dimensions: 440 x 95 x 400mm 12.5kg
1 Star