Company: MANLEY Laboratories
Design: TUBE
Chassis Material: METAL
Power Connection: AC 230 V / 50 Hz
Connection Input: RCA
Connection Output: RCA
Condition: E (excellent)
Return: Not accepted
Payment Option: PayPal
Shipping Option: By Arrangement
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The Manley Chinook phono equalizer circuit contains two dual 6922 triodes in the amplification stages and two 6922 in the output buffer stages, built according to the White repeater circuit (which provides almost twice the performance compared to the classic cathode repeater) and has a lower output impedance).
The RIAA correction circuits are completely passive. For MM cartridges, a gain of 45 dB is provided, for MC - 60 dB. On the rear panel there are DIP switches for selecting the optimal load resistance and input capacitance for a specific cartridge. In total, the user has 31 input impedance values ​​​​from 26 to 800 Ohms plus 47 kOhms and 7 input capacitance values ​​​​from 50 pF to 350 pF, which is enough to guarantee the device's combination with any cartridges.
The power supply uses a toroidal mains transformer, which is characterized by minimal electromagnetic radiation. All supply voltages, including anode and incandescent, are stabilized.
Like other Manley components, the Chinook phono equalizer is manufactured in California.
The Manley Chinook tube stereo phono equalizer with two channels uses 4 x 6922 tubes.
It is possible to replace the tubes with 6DJ8, 7308 and ECC88.
Recommended load resistance 26 - 800 Ohms.
Class A amplifier
Inputs: unbalanced RCA, Manley connectors with Teflon inserts.
45-second power-on delay timer (until the cathodes of the tubes are fully warmed up).
Three switchable capacitors (for MM/MC) 50, 100 and 200 pF providing 7 input capacitance values: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250. 300, 350 pF by combining DIP switch positions.
Fixed input impedance of 47 kΩ for MM cartridges.
Five switchable resistors (for MC) 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 Ω providing 32 input impedance values ​​by combining DIP switch positions.
Similar to Steelhead's flagship phono stage, each channel uses two 6922 triode sections for amplification with high-precision passive RIAA equalization networks. In the Chinook, the signal is directly coupled to another dual 6922 triode, which serves as the output driver in a White Follower configuration.
Vacuum Tube Complement: 6922 x 2 (gain stage) plus 6922 x2 (output stage). Any 6DJ8, 7308, ECC88 types may be used.
Unbalanced Input and Output connections via Manley Teflon ® & Gold plated RCA jacks
Automatic Mute Timer: On initial power up output jacks are muted for approximately 45 seconds. Automatic mute circuit allows tubes to warm up and circuitry to settle. At power down, output jacks are immediately muted.
Input Termination Capacitance (MM/MC): 3-position user-selectable capacitor values ​​of 50pF, 100pF, and 200pF yield resultant combinations of: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350pF
Moving Magnet Input Impedance: 47k Ohms, fixed
Moving Coil (MC) Input Impedance: 5-position user-selectable resistor values ​​of 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 Ohms. There are 32 possible loading possibilities.
Gain: Internal DIP switches select 45dB or 60dB
Deviation from RIAA curve: Less than ± 0.5 dB from 20Hz to 20kHz at any gain setting. Typically less than ±1dB from 10Hz to 100kHz.
Distortion (THD+N) (47k Ohm Input Termination, 45dB gain, 1kHz sine, 0dBu output): Typical 0.010% THD+N, into 100k Ohm load, BW = 100Hz-22kHz
Distortion (THD+N) (47k Ohm Input Termination, 45dB gain, 1kHz sine, 0dBu output): Typical 0.030% THD+N, into 600 Ohm load, BW = 100Hz-22kHz
Dynamic Range (MM input, Gain set to 45db, 200 Ohm source): 91dB @ 1kHz, 0.1% THD+N, BW = 22Hz-22kHz
Dynamic Range (MM input, Gain set to 45db, 200 Ohm source): 107dB @ 1kHz, 1.0% THD+N, BW = 22Hz-22kHz
Noise Floor at 45dB gain setting with shorted input: -84 dBu, A-weighted
Noise Floor at 60dB gain setting with shorted input: -75 dBu, A-weighted
Maximum Input at 45dB gain setting with 20 Ohm Source Z @ 1kHz into 10 kOhm load: 250mV RMS = +34.5 dBu @ 1% THD+N BW=22Hz-22kHz
Maximum Input at 60dB gain setting with 20 Ohm Source Z @ 1kHz into 10 kOhm load: 40mV RMS = +34.2 dBu @ 1% THD+N BW=22Hz-22kHz
Maximum Output: +37dBu @ 1kHz, 1.5% THD+N into 100 kOhm load

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