Sell Kubala Sosna Emotion Reference Power Cable
Length: 2 m
Socket: Schuko Euro
Connector: IEC (with phase mark)
The Emotion Ensemble is truly a collection of master reference component links.
We have been told many times that audiophiles "did not really hear their systems."
until they connected to the performance with cables from the Emotion Ensemble!
The process was always the same. We would listen to the existing system and then change out the cables.
Usually, within 30 seconds, the listener would proclaim something like,
"Wow! What did you do to get these to sound like this??"
We did not have to go back to the original cables to see what was different; they knew immediately.
Imagine that! The performance was so outstanding that these listeners felt their systems were unleashed to a totally new level!
Performance was so right that they did not just listen to one 30-second soundbyte of one track on each reference disc;
rather, they listened to song after song, focusing on the music.
The performance was so captivating that they did not want to stop listening at all, no matter how late it got!
They were, indeed, connected to the music!
3 Stars