High-End cables of the Signature 3 series of the American company XLO consist of conductors wound in a certain way on a Teflon conductor. The dielectric is Teflon. The patented WaveLink technology is used. 24k gold-plated connectors (RCA).
The XLO SIGNATURE 3 series is as close as possible to the reference sound of the top UnLimited Edition series, the magical sound of which is the cherished dream of every serious audiophile and demanding music lover.
Each conductor in the Signature 3 is made from the purest Laboratory Grade 99.99997% ("six nines") copper, custom-finished by XLO to meet specific cable design requirements.
This copper is so expensive that it is sold by the gram! After the copper is received, it is double tested for compliance at the XLO factory. Each conductor of this copper is insulated with a very thin layer (0.076 mm) of DuPont Teflon, and the conductors are then assembled together on machines adapted for this purpose.
The conductors are assembled into a single block with a sheath made of DuPont EPTFE Teflon-variant, which is one of the variations of the Teflon material, developed for use in cardiac surgery to replace arteries in the human body. The compound used in XLO Signature line audio connections is manufactured by only one company in the world.
After this preliminary "assembly", the wires are dressed in another Teflon-variant sheath and undergo a third and final test for compliance with the strict XLO requirements.
Each cable in this series has its own connectors designed specifically for it, meeting the highest XLO standards. Each connector is non-magnetic to eliminate hysteresis effects and designed to minimize self-inductance.
Contact pins in RCA connectors are made of tellurium copper. Gold sputtering is applied directly without the use of nickel substrates and is of such a thickness that it is guaranteed to preserve the coating and protect copper or its alloys from oxidation throughout the life of the cable. Dielectrics in the connectors of the Signature 3 series cables are made of DuPont Teflon.
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