HARMONIX HS-101 Improved

Type: RCA Cable
Connection Input: RCA
Connection Output: RCA
Condition: Used
Return: Not accepted
Payment Option: Credit / Debit Card
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Cables from Harmonix are the most desirable for music lovers, with their perfect design and extraordinary sound, they will not leave their listener indifferent.
Harmonix HS 101-Improved RCA length 1.5m 
Design : handmade (special order)
Copper purity: 99.99999% monocrystalline
Internal insulation : Polyethylene foam
There are also:
Harmonix HS 101-Improved XLR length 1.0m - $750
Harmonix HS 101-Improved Strings XLR length 2.0m - 900$
•Wire: Directional PCOCC
• Shell: PCOCC copper gold / Rhodium plated
•Case: Brass gold plated and collet-chuck design
•Absolute directional design
•Size available: 1.0m & 2.0m
•Set of 2 pcs.
Connectors: Harmonix gold plated with gold and rhodium plated copper contacts

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