Oct 3, 2024
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TOP MS head, like new in packaging. one of the most musical and advanced heads from DENON,
it looks like polished marble and sounds just divine.
Technical data:
Form MC type cartridge
Output voltage 0.2mV (1kHz is horizontal 5 cm/s)
Play frequency range 20Hz - 75kHz
Output load impedance 40ohms (20Hz - 20kHz)
Conformity load 100ohms or more (about [ transformer ] 40 ohm)
Channel separation 28dB or more (1kHz)
Channel balance Less than (1kHz) 1dB
Static compliance 35x10 to 6 cm/dyne
Dynamic compliance 14x10 to 6 cm/dyne (100Hz, record measurement)
Needle point (chip) 0.05x0.1mm angle solid diagram special ellipse needle
Proper needle pressure 1.2±0.2g
Tare 5.8g
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